

Digital warning system for rat infestation prevention on farms with with resistance


2022-12-01 bis 2025-11-30

Project management

  • Alexandra, Esther

Responsible institute

Institut für Pflanzenschutz in Gartenbau und Forst

Project preparer

  • Alexandra, Esther

Overall objective of the project

Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus) damage materials and supplies by feeding and are reservoirs of numerous animal and human pathogens, which is why they must be controlled on farms and evidence of rat management is required for quality systems. For control, rodenticides with anticoagulant agents (blood clotting inhibitors) are used as biocides when an infestation is visible and rats are established on the farm. In the case of genetically determined resistance of Norway rats, the most toxic active substances with the classification "toxic, persistent and bioaccumulating" are applied, with a corresponding risk for the environment and for non-target species. In the plant protection sector, only traps are available. Their use is only successful with very few animals, but not with established populations. Farms with livestock need solutions to prevent infestations of Norway rats and the establishment of resistant packs, and to avoid both feeding damage and the risk of infection for humans and animals. In our project, we are developing a digital warning system together with farmers by implementing available sensor technology on farms. With this system, migrating rats can be detected and controlled before they establish themselves on farms. After the end of the project, interested parties such as farmers and pest controllers can obtain information on how and where to install the warning system for farm-wide infestation monitoring via a practical guide. Information about the project and the results is provided at conferences and through publications.


Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture