Institut für Strategien und Folgenabschätzung
In MonViA, the Julius Kühn-Institute develops in close co-operation with the Thünen-Institute and the Federal Office for Agriculture and Food a broad-based farmland biodiversity monitoring for Germany. The joint project consists of three main parts: a) a general, national wide trend monitoring based on a systematic sampling grid, b) an in-depth, question-based monitoring on specific issues focusing on insects and c) a Citizen-Science monitoring, based on the participation of farmers, associations and interested citizens. The as long-term designed project involves 6 specialist institutes from the TI, 8 from the JKI and the BLE with a total of more than 35 persons. In the sub-project "Monitoring the diversity of habitats - small landscape structures and landscape elements" methods are developed and made available to derive indicators of habitat quality (e.g. age, volume; connectivity) derived from remote sensing data (e.g. LiDAR, VHR).The aim of the subproject "Pests and pathogens" is therefore to develop a proposal for a pest and pathogen monitoring on cultivated plants and to test it on small scale. Gradually, agricultural crops, wine and apple production will be examined and, if necessary, extended by further cultivations later on. On the basis of already existing data and monitoring of pests in the federal states as well as suitable test results from different institutions, criteria for the selection of pests, pathogens, crops, regions and corresponding monitoring methods will be developed, which will also incorporate the latest methods of data processing and analysis as well as molecular biology and bioinformatics. These results form the basis for the development of an enhanced concept for systematic pest monitoring that integrates existing structures, expands them in a targeted manner and thus allows sound statements to be made about trends and the relevance of pests and pathogens for biodiversity in agricultural landscapes.
Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture