Institut für Pflanzenschutz in Gartenbau und Forst
Together with sub-proposal 1 "Establishment and management of the junior research group and plant breeding improvement of characteristics in cultivation technology, components and phytopathological characteristics of St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum) and anise (Pimpinella anisum)" of the JKI Institute ZG and sub-proposal 3 "Alternative strategies for using secondary plant components and bio-based plant protection" of the JKI Institute ÖPV, a junior research group on medicinal plants is to be set up. This sub-proposal 2 deals with seed-borne pathogens and fungal infections of the leaves of selected medicinal plants. In addition to classic examinations of seeds to detect pathogens on selective culture media, molecular biological methods will be used for diagnosis. The effectiveness of biological pesticides that have already been approved and the extracts and essential oils provided by the JKI Institute ÖPV are to be tested on selected leaf pathogens.
Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture