
Evaluation of rodenticide resistance of pest rodents


2013-01-01 bis 2025-12-31

Project management

  • Alexandra, Esther

Responsible institute

Institut für Pflanzenschutz in Gartenbau und Forst

Overall objective of the project

Resistance of pest rodents to rodenticides leads to problems in agriculture, forestry and hygiene. The risk of resistance have to evaluate and resistance strategies have to develop for registrations of plant protection products and biocides. Basis is the EU-Regulation (EU) Nr. 528/2012 for Biocides and the EU-Regulation (EG) Nr. 1107/200 für plant protection products, as well as the EPPO (European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organisation) Standard PP 1/213 (3) (EPPO 2012), Resistance Risk Analysis.


Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture