

Offering of the online-database "KLIMAPS JKI" with important information about impacts of climate change on plant protection


2008-01-01 bis 2027-09-30

Project management

  • Petra, Seidel

Responsible institute

Institut für Strategien und Folgenabschätzung

Project preparer

  • Petra, Seidel

Cooperation partner

  • Institut für Resistenzforschung und Stresstoleranz (JKI)
  • Zentrale Datenverarbeitung (JKI)
  • Institut für nationale und internationale Angelegenheiten der Pflanzengesundheit (JKI)
  • Gemeinschaft zur Förderung von Pflanzeninnovation e. V.
  • Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
  • Institut für Ländliche Räume
  • Kuratorium für Technik und Bauwesen in der Landwirtschaft e.V.
  • Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut, Institut für Tierernährung
  • Technische Universität München
  • Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
  • Institut für Waldökosysteme
  • Institut für Agrarklimaschutz
  • Max Rubner Institut, Institut für Ernährungsverhalten
  • Institut für Biodiversität
  • Hanse Agro GmbH

Overall objective of the project

Aim: Offering, further development, update und quality management of the online-database "KLIMAPS JKI" with important facts of the consequences of climate change on plant protection for free. Characterization: Knowledge and information are necessities for successful adaptation to climate change. For the German public, that includes farmers, gardeners and consultants, however it is fairly difficult to obtain understandable information concerning impacts of climate change from specific scientific search engines like Web of Science and other scientific data bases that matches their demands. They don’t have the time to read into the usually English written work of specific work groups and keep up with their results. Users of KLIMAPS-JKI (farmers, extension service providers, scientists, federal authorities) are given a comfortable way to search for knowledge of effects of climate change on crops, pests, natural enemies of crop pests, chemical and non-chemical methods in plant protection, soil, agriculture and how changes might affect their interactions. It is possible to select single factors of climate change like warming, increasing atmospheric CO2, elevated atmospheric ozone concentration, reduction in precipitation and also combinations of these aspects of climate change. Besides search offers possibility to select changes of several specifically features of crops, pests and so on as a result of climatic change. The information provided by KLIMAPS-JKI can also be used in organic farming, with some adaptation if necessary.


Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture