Facilitating Insects in Agricultural Landscapes. Subproject 2 Method development and implementation of measures
FInAL pursues the goal of developing, testing, demonstrating and modeling innovative and complex insect-friendly measures in the landscape context within the framework of landscape laboratories in three typical agricultural landscapes in Germany....
Term: 2022-10-01 bis 2025-09-30A farmland biodiversity monitoring for Germany
In MonViA, the Julius Kühn-Institute develops in close co-operation with the Thünen-Institute and the Federal Office for Agriculture and Food a broad-based farmland biodiversity monitoring for Germany. The joint project consists of three main...
Term: 2019-01-01 bis 2025-12-31Increased humus reproduction through the cultivation of sorghum in Germany as an active contribution to climate protection
The aim of SORGHUM is the utilization of another C4 plant for plant production in Germany in order to actively contribute to C sequestration in the sense of climate protection through higher humus reproduction and at the same time to substantially...
Term: 2023-01-01 bis 2025-12-31Identification of future breeding potential for more climate protection in plant production - assessment of the contribution of breeding progress to reducing the CO2 footprint
Based on extensive variety trial data, the contribution of breeding progress to climate protection for the most relevant crops in Germany is evaluated using life cycle analysis (LCA) and statistical methods. Relevant plant characteristics for...
Term: 2022-09-01 bis 2025-08-31Sorghum – boosting breeding by multilevel modeling - Project part: Sorghum growth modeling
Sorghum is a promising crop that can contribute to both diversifying the range of crop species and increasing the climate resilience of crop production. As a C4 plant, sorghum has a high heat and drought stress tolerance. Due to its very extensive...
Term: 2024-12-01 bis 2028-11-30Development of strategies and concepts for biodiversity monitoring in agricultural landscapes
The development of strategies and concepts for biodiversity monitoring in agricultural landscapes includes the coordination of the activities of the JKI institutes and the coordination of the content and strategic orientation with the BMEL. The...
Term: 2024-01-01 bis 2028-12-31A more sustainable agriculture 4.0 Without chemical-synthetic crop protection (NOcsPS)
In the second funding phase, the promising trials and analyzes that have been ongoing to date will be continued with a holistic view of the production system in the sense of comparability of system trials and the desired long-term trial series....
Term: 2025-01-01 bis 2025-09-30Increasing protein use efficiency in bread wheat with innovative breeding research on the MAGIC-WHEAT population WM-800 for effective climate change mitigation in the cereal value chain (MAGIC-KlimaBack)
The joint project is jointly carried out by the partners at the University of Halle-Wittenberg (MLU) and University Bielefeld (UniBi), KWS Saat SE (KWS), the Julius Kühn Institute (JKI) and the Max Rubner-Institut (MRI). The project is coordinated...
Term: 2024-09-01 bis 2027-12-31Plant protection product application data: Digitization and use in regulation and research
Small bodies of water in particular are often exposed to inputs of active substances from plant protection products (PPPs) and their degradation products, especially after rain events, if they are located in the catchment area of agricultural land....
Term: 2024-09-01 bis 2025-11-30AIRagro - FAIR data infrastructures for agrosystem research / Use Case 3 Streamlining pest and disease data to advance integrated pest management
The aim of crop protection is to minimize yield losses due to pests and diseases (P&D). However, there are increasing concerns among scientists and the public about the use of pesticides. Accordingly, the EU's Farm-to-Fork strategy aims to reduce...
Term: 2023-03-01 bis 2028-02-29