Sustainable winter oilseed rape production through breeding improvement of the NUE and optimization of the cultivation system
In NAWIRA, it is foreseen to initially grow 300 test hybrids at different locations under different N levels and two different N fertilization regimes (nitrate- vs. ammonium-emphasized) and use them as a training data set for genomic selection...
Term: 2023-08-15 bis 2026-08-14Evaluate and effectively utilize climate protection potentials of agroforestry (KlimAF) TP0 JKI-PB
Agroforestry systems and hedgerows can greatly contribute to mitigating GHG emissions in agriculture, as tree strips and hedgerows can store carbon in their biomass and increase soil organic. In addition, these systems improve microclimate, reduce...
Term: 2023-06-02 bis 2026-12-31An innovative treatment approach based on natural tailocins for fire blight control in organic pome fruit orchards
One of the most promising approaches to achieve food security and sustainable use of resources is the specific application of natural antagonists and beneficial microorganisms in agriculture. In organic farming in particular, these basic principles...
Term: 2024-10-01 bis 2027-09-30Safety of RNAi technology in plant protection: Method evaluation for estimating effectivity and potential impacts on target and off-target organisms
“RNAi_safe” pursues a methodological approach to answer open questions about the safe use of RNAi technology in plant protection. The project aims at detecting and evaluating of potential exposure pathways and effects of dsRNA-based plant...
Term: 2022-01-01 bis 2026-02-15Studies on the Use of Aircraft in Crop Protection
Conducting drift measurements according to an internationally coordinated measurement protocol to generate drift benchmark values for the use of plant protection products and, if applicable, biocides with aircraft (drone and helicopter). Developing...
Term: 2024-10-01 bis 2029-12-31Greenhouse gas reduction through innovative breeding advances in alternative plant protein sources- subprojects carbon footprint and value chain analysis
The sub-projects "CO2 footprint and value chain analysis" aim to estimate climate protection potentials and investigate the socio-economic effects (benefits and costs) of plant-based protein sources as a substitute for animal sources along the value...
Term: 2022-11-01 bis 2025-10-31Determination of ploidy in Taraxacum
In Taraxacum, the ploidy level can increase spontaneously. Knowledge of the ploidy level is essential for successful cross-breeding. Therefore, in the case of Taraxacum acsessions and artificial hybrids, the ploidy level should be determined using...
Term: 2023-06-01 bis 2026-05-31ABBA on Fire - An innovative treatment approach based on natural tailocins for fire blight control in organic pome fruit orchards
One of the most promising approaches to achieve food security and sustainable use of resources is the specific application of natural antagonists and beneficial microorganisms in agriculture. In organic farming in particular, these basic principles...
Term: 2024-10-01 bis 2027-09-30An innovative treatment approach based on natural tailocins for fire blight control in organic pome fruit orchards
One of the most promising approaches to achieve food security and sustainable use of resources is the specific application of natural antagonists and beneficial microorganisms in agriculture. In organic farming in particular, these basic principles...
Term: 2024-10-01 bis 2027-09-30Sustainable winter oilseed rape cultivation through breeding improvement of the NUE and optimization of the cultivation system - AP2.2 Statistical analysis of genotype x seed rate x N-amount interactions
In this work package of NAWIRA, the statistical evaluations of the data recorded in various field trials by the project partners are carried out. For this purpose, primarily mixed linear models are used, which allow fixed effects (e.g. genotype,...
Term: 2023-08-15 bis 2026-08-14