Use of extremophile Helianthus species to improve sunflower resilience and ecosystem services
Based on the evaluation of climate-adapted wild relatives, HelEx will develop climate-resistant sunflower lines that reduce the EU's dependence on imported vegetable oils and proteins by switching to sustainable alternatives, mitigate the impact of...
Term: 2023-05-01 bis 2027-04-30Facilitating Insects in Agricultural Landscapes. Subproject 2 Method development and implementation of measures
FInAL pursues the goal of developing, testing, demonstrating and modeling innovative and complex insect-friendly measures in the landscape context within the framework of landscape laboratories in three typical agricultural landscapes in Germany....
Term: 2022-10-01 bis 2025-09-30A farmland biodiversity monitoring for Germany
In MonViA, the Julius Kühn-Institute develops in close co-operation with the Thünen-Institute and the Federal Office for Agriculture and Food a broad-based farmland biodiversity monitoring for Germany. The joint project consists of three main...
Term: 2019-01-01 bis 2025-12-31An innovative treatment approach based on natural tailocins for fire blight control in organic pome fruit orchards
One of the most promising approaches to achieve food security and sustainable use of resources is the specific application of natural antagonists and beneficial microorganisms in agriculture. In organic farming in particular, these basic principles...
Term: 2024-10-01 bis 2027-09-30Safety of RNAi technology in plant protection: Method evaluation for estimating effectivity and potential impacts on target and off-target organisms
“RNAi_safe” pursues a methodological approach to answer open questions about the safe use of RNAi technology in plant protection. The project aims at detecting and evaluating of potential exposure pathways and effects of dsRNA-based plant...
Term: 2022-01-01 bis 2026-02-15An innovative treatment approach based on natural tailocins for fire blight control in organic pome fruit orchards
One of the most promising approaches to achieve food security and sustainable use of resources is the specific application of natural antagonists and beneficial microorganisms in agriculture. In organic farming in particular, these basic principles...
Term: 2024-10-01 bis 2027-09-30Facilitating Insects in Agricultural Landscapes. Subproject Monitoring of yield, develpment of methods and statistics
FInAL aims to identify ways in which insect diversity, biomass and functionality can be increased in agricultural landscapes through changes in cultivation systems, especially by integrating renewable crops. Overall, a comprehensive approach is...
Term: 2022-10-01 bis 2025-09-30Facilitating Insects in Agricultural Landscapes. Subproject 2 Effect on hoverfly communities
Intensive agriculture is considered as a major cause of the decline of insect diversity and biomass in Germany. Within the frame of the national action programme for the conservation of insects, FInAL will therefore establish Landscape...
Term: 2022-10-01 bis 2025-09-30An innovative treatment approach based on natural tailocins for fire blight control in organic pome fruit orchards
One of the most promising approaches to achieve food security and sustainable use of resources is the specific application of natural antagonists and beneficial microorganisms in agriculture. In organic farming in particular, these basic principles...
Term: 2024-10-01 bis 2027-09-30Promotion of insects in agricultural landscapes through integrated cultivation systems with renewable raw materials - Subproject Aquatic Insects
The aim of the subproject "aquatic insects" is to record and describe the biodiversity (measured are: species diversity and abundance) of aquatic insects in small streams and standing waters in order to estimate the effects of the measures on the...
Term: 2022-10-01 bis 2025-09-30