Sustainable winter oilseed rape production through breeding improvement of the NUE and optimization of the cultivation system
In NAWIRA, it is foreseen to initially grow 300 test hybrids at different locations under different N levels and two different N fertilization regimes (nitrate- vs. ammonium-emphasized) and use them as a training data set for genomic selection...
Term: 2023-08-15 bis 2026-08-14Digitalization in the value network Viticulture: From planting to grape delivery
DigiVine will examplary show digital technologie with in the value network of viticulture from planting until grape delivery and test these technologies with users. The interdisciplinary team will support the interaction of research and development,...
Term: 2019-11-05 bis 2025-04-30A farmland biodiversity monitoring for Germany
In MonViA, the Julius Kühn-Institute develops in close co-operation with the Thünen-Institute and the Federal Office for Agriculture and Food a broad-based farmland biodiversity monitoring for Germany. The joint project consists of three main...
Term: 2019-01-01 bis 2025-12-31Pesticide-free LED-based production of ornamental young plants to reduce climate-damaging emissions on an individual farm basis
The aim of the project is to produce resilient ornamental young plants under glass with significantly reduced carbon equivalent (CO2e) emissions compared to current production systems. In order to achieve these resource savings, the "young plant...
Term: 2024-12-06 bis 2027-12-05Pesticide-free LED-based production of ornamental young plants to reduce climate-damaging emissions on an individual farm basis
The aim of the project is to produce resilient ornamental young plants under glass with significantly reduced carbon equivalent (CO2e) emissions compared to current production systems. In order to achieve these resource savings, the "young plant...
Term: 2024-12-06 bis 2027-12-05Digitalization in the value network Viticulture: From planting to grape delivery (DigiVine)
DigiVine will examplary show digital technologie with in the value network of viticulture from planting until grape delivery and test these technologies with users. The interdisciplinary team will support the interaction of research and development,...
Term: 2019-11-05 bis 2025-04-30Pesticide-free LED-based production of ornamental young plants to reduce climate-damaging emissions on an individual farm basis
The aim of the project is to produce resilient ornamental young plants under glass with significantly reduced carbon equivalent (CO2e) emissions compared to current production systems. In order to achieve these resource savings, the "young plant...
Term: 2024-12-06 bis 2027-12-05Sustainable winter oilseed rape cultivation through breeding improvement of the NUE and optimization of the cultivation system - AP2.2 Statistical analysis of genotype x seed rate x N-amount interactions
In this work package of NAWIRA, the statistical evaluations of the data recorded in various field trials by the project partners are carried out. For this purpose, primarily mixed linear models are used, which allow fixed effects (e.g. genotype,...
Term: 2023-08-15 bis 2026-08-14Sustainable winter oilseed rape cultivation through breeding improvement of the NUE and optimization of the cultivation system
The objective of this project is to develop optimized cultivation techniques for winter oilseed rape hybrids that have been genomically selected to exhibit greater nitrogen-use efficiency, utilizing a multi-stage approach. The anticipated outcome is...
Term: 2023-08-15 bis 2026-08-14Sustainable winter oilseed rape production through breeding improvement of the NUE and optimization of the cultivation system
In NAWIRA, it is foreseen to initially grow 300 test hybrids at different locations under different N levels and two different N fertilization regimes (nitrate- vs. ammonium-emphasized) and use them as a training data set for genomic selection...
Term: 2023-08-15 bis 2026-08-14