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Bundesforschungsinstitut für Kulturpflanzen


Institute for Grapevine Breeding

Dr. Katja Herzog

Institute for Grapevine Breeding

Dr. Katja  Herzog
Julius Kühn-Institut
Institute for Grapevine Breeding
76833  Siebeldingen


  • Group leader sensor-based grapevine phenotyping
  • Coordinator and supervisor of different projects
  • Development and validation of sensor assisted, automated methods for an objective description of grapevine characteristics
  • Application of imaging and non-imaging sensors and sensor fusion under lab, greenhouse or field conditions
  • Plant Phenomics: Development and establishment of fast screening techniques for grapevine breeding purposes, breeding research (QTL analysis and novel molecular marker) as well as objective characterization of the genetic repository
  • Analysis, interpretation and statistic modelling of sensor data with corresponding ground truth evaluations

Main topics: phenology, grape bunch architecture, berry skin/surface features as physical barriers, Botrytis

  • Established phenotypic pipelines and its application:
    • 3D phenotyping pipeline for an automated, non-invasive acquisition of the 3D bunch architecture including berry number, berry size, total bunch volume and bunch weight with application in breeding research for molecular marker development
    • Fast measurement of grape berry impedance as novel indicator for berry surface characteristics and resilience towards Botrytis bunch rot disease especially for objective phenotyping of breeding material and molecular mapping
  • Interdisciplinary cooperation’s: computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, Statistics, Bioinformatics and modelling, German Plant Phenotyping Network (DPPN)

Scientific publication and communication networks