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Bundesforschungsinstitut für Kulturpflanzen


Institute for Grapevine Breeding

Annika Ziehl

Institute for Grapevine Breeding

 Annika  Ziehl
Julius Kühn-Institut
Institute for Grapevine Breeding
76833  Siebeldingen


Interreg-Project Wivitis:

  • Research Assistant in the Interreg project WiVitis - Strategies for resilient vines in the face of climate change
  • Planning, implementation and further development of phenotyping in laboratory and field trials with regard to Botrytis resistance and Plasmopara viticola
  • Evaluation and application of prediction models for grape health developed in the project and their adaptation and utilization for vine breeding
  • Mapping work, derivation and validation of new SSR markers
  • Publication activities in science and viticulture practice
  • Supporting project coordination, especially with public relations work
  • Communication with project partners and viticultural practice as well as support in the planning and implementation of events, website and other public relations measures