Dr. Anna Kicherer
Institute for Grapevine Breeding

- Telephone: +49 6345 41 123
- E-mail: anna.kicherer@ julius-kuehn. de
Julius Kühn-Institut
Institute for Grapevine Breeding
76833 Siebeldingen
Julius Kühn-Institut
Institute for Grapevine Breeding
76833 Siebeldingen
- Head of the work group digitalisation and precision viticulture
- Project coordination and supervision of different third-party funded research projects
- Development of sensor assisted, automated methods for an objective description of grapevine characteristics
- Digitalisation, linkage and communication
- Focus on: yield parameters, disease identification
- Establishment of
- Field phenotyping platforms: PHENObot, Phenoliner (automated data acquisition)
- Automated data processing (phenotyping pipeline)
- Research data management
- Imaging and non-imaging techniques in the lab and the field
- Methods for precision viticulture
- Interdisciplinary cooperation in fields of:
- Engineering
- Programming of data bases
- Algorithm development for image interpretation
- Modelling of sensor data
- AI
Scientific publication and communication networks
- OpenAgrar: View publications