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Bundesforschungsinstitut für Kulturpflanzen


Institute for Breeding Research on Fruit Crops

Diana Seidler

PhD / Institute for Breeding Research on Fruit Crops

Julius Kühn-Institut
Institute for Breeding Research on Fruit Crops
Pillnitzer Platz 3a
01326  Dresden-Pillnitz


  • Tasks and research areas

  • PhD research project: “Molecular basis of water soaking in strawberry”
  • Phenotyping of strawberry fruits for water soaking susceptibility
  • Establishing of a segregating F1 population between genotypes with contrasting susceptibilities to water soaking
  • Axiom™ Strawberry FanaSNP 50k Genotyping Array for SNP genotyping analyses of the population
  • Genotyping of the population with SSR markers
  • Genetic mapping analyses
  • QTL analysis for determination of genetic loci associated with water soaking traits
  • Identification differential gene expression during fruit development by using RNA sequencing
  • Identification and characterisation of candidate genes
  • Development and verification of a preliminary model of the molecular basis of water soaking in strawberries



Project: WaterSoaking

Molecular basis of water soaking in strawberry

Term: 01.10.2023 – 30.09.2026