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Bundesforschungsinstitut für Kulturpflanzen


Institute for Breeding Research on Fruit Crops

Dr. Andreas Peil

Wissenschaftler / Institute for Breeding Research on Fruit Crops

Dr. Andreas  Peil
Julius Kühn-Institut
Institute for Breeding Research on Fruit Crops
Pillnitzer Platz 3a
01326  Dresden / Pillnitz


  • Breeding of new apple cultivars combining resistance with excellent fruit quality and high and regular cropping that are suited for sustainable integrated and organic fruit production
  • Breeding of new pear cultivars with resistance to fire blight
  • Selection of red-flesh apple genotypes with good fruit quality
  • Investigation of the adaptation of flowering time in relation to climate change – late frost
  • Development of pre-breeding material – introgression of resistances from wild species
  • Pyramiding and combination of resistances for more durable resistance (fire blight, powdery mildew, scab)
  • Marker assisted selection (Smart breeding)
  • Investigating the inheritance of resistance to fire blight, mildew and scab of genetic resources of apple
  • Identification and functional characterization of genes associated with resistance to fire blight, mildew and scab


  • Saxon commission for apple fruit varieties
  • Expert commission for pome fruits – working group breeding
  • Working group performance test of fruit-growing
  • International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS)

Scientific publication and communication networks