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Bundesforschungsinstitut für Kulturpflanzen


Institute for Breeding Research on Agricultural Crops

The Institute

The Institute for Breeding Research on Agricultural Crops promotes the systematic development of plant genetic resources. On that account, we apply and elaborate current methods of breeding research to widen the genetic basis of specific crops and focus on aspects like “resilient plants”, “product quality” and “renewable raw materials”.

Our institute is located in Groß Lüsewitz, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania near Rostock. The infrastructure includes 57 ha of trial area, rainout shelters, greenhouse area and laboratories.

Current research projects include a huge variety of crops from root crop potato, cereal wheat, barley, rye, triticale and oats to domestic protein crops like agricultural used lupin species (e.g. narrow-leafed lupin), field bean and alfalfa. Additionally, we also work on the adaptive potential of soybean and the establishment of new potential crops like Russian dandelion as a new renewable resource for natural rubber, Andean lupin for biogas production and buckwheat for human consumption.

In addition to yield- and quality-determining characteristics, our research involves the identification of resistances to biotic and abiotic stress factors through evaluation and cultivation of plant genetic resources like landraces, older cultivars and wild relatives of our target crops. In Pre-breeding strategies, we apply current phenotyping methods like drone-monitored field trials or powerful analytical systems based on modern spectroscopic, chromatographic and biochemical methods. In combination with high-throughput genotyping methods, we develop tools for making favorable traits accessible for the public and private breeding programs. Furthermore, we care for the conservation of genetic diversity and implementation concepts for the management of genetic diversity in agricultural production systems.



Julius Kühn-Institute (JKI) - Federal Research Centre for Cultivated Plants
Institute for Breeding Research on Agricultural Crops
Rudolf-Schick-Platz 3a
18190 Sanitz OT Groß Lüsewitz
Contact: zl@  julius-kuehn.  de

Head of the Institute: Prof. Dr. Benjamin Stich

Annett Sitte
Tel: 038209 45-200
Fax: 038209 45-222

Gabriele Platek
Tel.: 038209 45-100
Fax: 038209 45-120