Dr. René Kaiser
Institute for Breeding Research on Agricultural Crops

- Telephone: +49 38209 45 213
- E-mail: rene.kaiser@ julius-kuehn. de
Julius Kühn-Institut
Institute for Breeding Research on Agricultural Crops
Rudolf-Schick-Platz 3a
18190 Sanitz OT Groß Lüsewitz
Julius Kühn-Institut
Institute for Breeding Research on Agricultural Crops
Rudolf-Schick-Platz 3a
18190 Sanitz OT Groß Lüsewitz
- Scientific processing on „TAKOWIND III“ project - Breeding of Russian dandelion (Taraxacum koksaghyz)
- Development of mapping populations (Taraxacum koksaghyz)
- Study of the genetic diversity of Taraxacum koksaghyz and the development of molecular markers
- Development of a genetic map of Taraxacum koksaghyz on the basis of molecular markers
Scientific publication and communication networks
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