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Bundesforschungsinstitut für Kulturpflanzen


Institute for Strategies and Technology Assessment

Dr. Tanja Rottstock

Institute for Strategies and Technology Assessment

Dr. Tanja  Rottstock
Julius Kühn-Institut
Institute for Strategies and Technology Assessment
Stahnsdorfer damm 81
14532  Kleinmachnow


  • Support of the project work of the joint projects in the field of promotion of biodiversity and crop production:
  • Coordination & consolidation of research activities in the JKI,
  • Processing of third-party funded projects, - Expansion and maintenance of cooperation and networks with other institutions,
  • Preparation of reports and scientific publications

Joint projects:

  • Promotion of insects in agricultural landscapes („FInAL“)
  • National Monitoring of Farmland Biodiversity („MonViA“)
  • Development of basic standards for the implementation of biodiversity monitoring in agriculture („BM-Agriculture“)


  • German Phytomedical Society r. S (DPG)
  • Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland (GfÖ)

Scientific publication and communication networks