Dr. Stefan Kühnel
Institute for Strategies and Technology Assessment

- Telephone: +49 3946-47 5276
- E-mail: stefan.kuehnel@ julius-kuehn. de
Julius Kühn-Institut
Institute for Strategies and Technology Assessment
Stahnsdorfer damm 81
14532 Kleinmachnow
Julius Kühn-Institut
Institute for Strategies and Technology Assessment
Stahnsdorfer damm 81
14532 Kleinmachnow
Research assistant in the NFDI project FAIRagro. Implementation of Use Case 3: “Streamlining pest and disease data to advance integrated pest management”
Optimization of research data management and data usability by:
- Development of guidelines for the standardization of yield loss trials with the aim of increasing the comparability of experimental results.
- Establish an inventory for and improve the accessibility of data related to integrated pest management.
- Integration of pest and disease models and crop yield models in order to generate more accurate decision support systems for integrated pest management.
Scientific publication and communication networks
- ORCID: 0000-0001-5258-5395