M.Sc. Niels Lettow
Institute for Strategies and Technology Assessment

- Telephone: +49 3946 47 5295
- E-mail: Niels.Lettow@ julius-kuehn. de
Julius Kühn-Institut
Institute for Strategies and Technology Assessment
Stahnsdorfer Damm 81
14532 Kleinmachnow
Julius Kühn-Institut
Institute for Strategies and Technology Assessment
Stahnsdorfer Damm 81
14532 Kleinmachnow
- Surveys of the insect fauna
- Development of scenarios and strategies for insect promotion at landscape level
- Cooperation in the FInAL project (promotion of insects in agricultural landscapes through renewable resources
- Identification of key indicators for monitoring the success of Integrated Pest Management
Scientific publication and communication networks
- OpenAgrar: View publications