Dr. Heike Gerighausen
Institute for Crop and Soil Science

- Telephone: +49 531 596 2471
- E-mail: heike.gerighausen@ julius-kuehn. de
Julius Kühn-Institut
Institute for Crop and Soil Science
Bundesallee 58
38116 Braunschweig
Julius Kühn-Institut
Institute for Crop and Soil Science
Bundesallee 58
38116 Braunschweig
- Coordination of JKI-Remote Sensing Research and Networking Hub
- Development of remote sensing and sensor-based methods and applications in support of sustainable and climate-resilient agricultural crop production,
- Design of remote sensing based indicators to measure and assess the impact of land use, land use change and land use intensity on soil, climate and biodiversity in agricultural landscapes,
- Statistical and data-driven modelling of plant traits for crop growth and yield monitoring,
- Remote sensing technologies in precision agriculture,
- Sensor-based phenotyping in breeding research,
Linkedin: Heike Gerighausen
- Member of the German Society for Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Geoinformation, DGPF
- Copernicus-Expert network, contact person agriculture
Scientific publication and communication networks
- OpenAgrar: View publications