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Bundesforschungsinstitut für Kulturpflanzen


Institute for Biosafety in Plant Biotechnology

M. Sc. Natalie Vogelgsang

PhD / Institute for Biosafety in Plant Biotechnology

Julius Kühn-Institut
Institute for Biosafety in Plant Biotechnology
Erwin-Baur-Str. 27
06484  Quedlinburg


  • Research associate in the NA-WIR research project financed by the BMBF
  • Development and evaluation of management measures for the cultivation of rosemary, sage and chinese nettle in Saxony-Anhalt 
  • Experiments focusing on drought and heat resistance as well as winter hardiness and active ingredient content
  • Collaboration on the implementation of in-field NIRS measurements to optimise harvest time
  • Development and production of new high-quality active ingredients using biotransformation with a focus on the treatment of periodontitis and various types of cancer (acute myeloid leukaemia, breast cancer)