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Bundesforschungsinstitut für Kulturpflanzen


Institute for Biosafety in Plant Biotechnology

Dr. Christian Kohl

Research Assistant / Institute for Biosafety in Plant Biotechnology

Julius Kühn-Institut
Institute for Biosafety in Plant Biotechnology
Erwin-Baur-Str. 27
06484  Quedlinburg


  • Head of the working group “Evidence-based methods in the safety evaluation / impact assessment”
  • Establishment of systematic reviews and similar review approaches in the field of agricultural science
  • Coordination of the statutory tasks of the institute
  • Preparation of scientific opinions on applications for the release and placing on the market of genetically modified plants and their products



  • Member of the OECD Working group „Harmonisation of Regulatory Oversight in Biotechnology (HROB)“
  • Member of the OECD Working group „Safety of Novel Foods and Feeds (SNFF)”

Supervised infrastructures:

  • CADIMA: A free web tool facilitating the conduct and the documentation of systematic reviews and further literature reviews (
  • PROCEED: An open access registry of titles and protocols for prospective evidence syntheses in the environmental sector (

Scientific publication and communication networks