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Bundesforschungsinstitut für Kulturpflanzen


Institute for Crop and Soil Science

Dr. Doreen Koltermann

Institute for Crop and Soil Science

Dr. Doreen  Koltermann
[Translate to Englisch:]
Julius Kühn-Institut
Institute for Crop and Soil Science
Bundesallee 58
38116  Braunschweig


Climate Protection Project: Economic and Ecological Potentials of Paludiculture on Rewetted Peatland Sites for Climate Protection (MOCOR).

  • Identification and evaluation of criteria for the implementation of agricultural land use change towards paludiculture
  • Identification of possible peatland type adapted and climate friendly use alternatives (paludiculture, grazing, wet meadow use etc.) on wet peatland sites with economic value creation
  • Estimate potential yields of standing above-ground biomass and actual usable quantities of various paludiculture crops
  • Determination of GHG savings potential through paludiculture (literature review).

FNR joint project: Sustainability of paludiculture with special regard to nutrient balance (NAPALU).

  • Determination of the long-term yield structure (quantity and quality) of already established paludicultures (cattails, reed canary grass, reeds)
  • Determination of the influence of nutrient supply on quality parameters and yield
  • Use as peat substitute: change of quality parameters in the harvested material due to different nutrient supply and the process of compostingfi