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Bundesforschungsinstitut für Kulturpflanzen


Institute for Ecological Chemistry, Plant Analysis and Stored Product Protection

Patrick Stamm

Institute for Ecological Chemistry, Plant Analysis and Stored Product Protection

Julius Kühn-Institut
Institute for Ecological Chemistry, Plant Analysis and Stored Product Protection
Königin-Luise-Str. 19
14195  Berlin


  • Scientific collaboration in the project „Improve biological control of stored-product pest beetles by the combined use of semiochemicals and parasitoids (SemiParVor)“
  • Investigation of chemoecologically mediated interactions between the larval parasitoid Cephalonomia waterstoni and its host, the rusty grain beetle Cryptolestes ferrugineus via chemical analysis (GC-MS) and electrophysiological methods (GC-EAD, EAG)
  • Scientific planning, coordination, and supervision of experiments for bioactivity-guided natural product analysis and biological testing