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Bundesforschungsinstitut für Kulturpflanzen


Institute for Ecological Chemistry, Plant Analysis and Stored Product Protection

M. Sc. Harshada Sakpal

Institute for Ecological Chemistry, Plant Analysis and Stored Product Protection

M. Sc. Harshada  Sakpal
Julius Kühn-Institut
Institute for Ecological Chemistry, Plant Analysis and Stored Product Protection
Königin-Luise-Str. 19
14195  Berlin


  • Research assistant (PhD student) in the DFG-funded project “Identification of UV filter enrichment areas in the Baltic Sea - Investigation of the transport processes and long-term sinks in water and sediment (UVBAL)”
  • Detection of UV filters concentrations and determining their fate in water, sediment, and algae samples in the Baltic Sea
  • Sampling and processing of samples for UV filters and Pesticides in the Baltic Sea
  • Data evaluation of pollutants

Scientific publication and communication networks