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Bundesforschungsinstitut für Kulturpflanzen


#Zusammenland – Vielfalt macht uns stark!

Together with 350 other scientific institutions, the JKI is participating in the media initiative #Zusammenland - for research benefits from different perspectives!

The Julius Kühn Institute and 350 other scientific institutions are part of the media campaign #Zusammenland - Vielfalt macht uns stark! The campaign was initiated by DIE ZEIT, Handelsblatt, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Tagesspiegel, WirtschaftsWoche and the advertising company Ströer to set an example for democracy and solidarity and to commit to freedom, diversity and a culture of welcome.

As JKI, we support these values: Currently, more than 50 different nations work at the JKI's nine locations. "We are convinced that research benefits from different perspectives and experiences," says the President of the JKI, Prof. Dr. Frank Ordon. "One example is adaptation to climate change - the today of some could become the tomorrow of others. Relevant research questions and solution approaches must be dealt with internationally and beyond national affiliations."

Since February 29, the #Zusammenland - Vielfalt macht uns stark! campaign has been disseminated via social media and digitally and made visible in public spaces at train stations, on buildings and streets via digital advertising spaces. The JKI joined the initiative on March 23.

More information at: - #Zusammenland

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