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Bundesforschungsinstitut für Kulturpflanzen


MonViA indicator report presented: Milestone for biodiversity and sustainable agriculture

The MonViA indicator report was presented today at the International Green Week in Berlin.

The report was compiled by scientists from the Julius Kühn Institute, the Thünen Institute and the Federal Office for Agriculture and Food (BLE) on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL). The President of the JKI, Prof Dr Frank Ordon, presented the report to Federal Minister Cem Özdemir in the presence of Dr. Margareta Büning-Fesel (BLE) and Prof. Dr. Birgit Kleinschmidt (TI).

Milestone for biodiversity in agricultural landscapes

Biodiversity is one of the basic prerequisites for sustainable agriculture and food security. It secures habitats for numerous species and contributes significantly to the functioning of ecosystems. However, the loss of biodiversity in agricultural landscapes is one of the greatest challenges of our time. The MonViA indicator report has laid an important foundation for the nationwide monitoring of biodiversity in agricultural landscapes. The indicator set comprises a total of 41 indicators that measure diversity at three levels: Habitat diversity, organismic diversity and genetic diversity.

At the presentation, JKI President Prof. Dr Frank Ordon emphasised: „The MonViA indicator report is a crucial tool for recording biodiversity in agricultural landscapes, visualising trends and creating a scientifically sound basis for the conservation of biodiversity and the transformation of agriculture. This monitoring will make a significant contribution to better tackling the challenges of species loss.“

Monitoring and transformation

The indicators provide a sound data basis for assessing the status and development of biodiversity in agricultural landscapes. They cover the following areas, among others

Habitat diversity:
regional agroecosystems, landscape elements and land use intensity

Organism diversity:
wild and honey bees, insect pests, soil organisms, arable weeds and biodiversity of small bodies of water

Genetic diversity:
native livestock breeds, cultivated plants and honey bees

With the support of the BMEL, the MonViA joint project has been able to develop innovative methods and generate initial data since 2019. Satellite images and existing monitoring programmes are already providing initial indications of trends in species composition and genetic diversity.

Prospects and national strategies

The MonViA indicator report is not only an inventory, but also an important tool for implementing the National Strategy on Biological Diversity (NBS). Ongoing data collection and reporting will make it possible in future to develop targeted measures to promote biodiversity and make the success of strategies measurable.

With the handover of the report, a key step has been taken towards a sustainable transformation of agriculture and the conservation of biodiversity in Germany.

Original publication (Only in German):


Dr. Tanja Rottstock
Julius Kühn-Institut,
Telefon: +49 3946 47 5310

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