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Bundesforschungsinstitut für Kulturpflanzen


Henrik Hartmann once again belongs to the world's most cited researchers

In 2024 the forest scientist and head of the JKI Institute for Forest Protection receives the award of the analytics company Clarivate again

Once a year, Clarivate Analytics publishes its prestigious list of „Highly Cited Researcher“ (HCR). By doing so, the analytics company wants to highlight the global impact of individual researchers on the scientific community and to recognise their publication- and associated research achievements.

For this purpose, Clarivate takes into account scientific publications over the past 10 years (2013-2023) that are characterised by an outstanding citation frequency and rank in the top 1% by citations for their field(s) and publication year in the scientific literature search tool Web of Science™.

For the second year in a row, Dr. Henrik Hartmann is one of 6.886 Highly Cited Researchers worldwide and is found in the Cross Field category among the 3.326 researchers whose publications have influenced global research across several different fields. 97 publications by 2024 are the basis of their award.

We congratulate Henrik Hartmann on this honour and wish him every success in his work as Head of Institute and scientist in forest protection research and consulting.

Here you will find Henrik Hartmann's Clarivate Profile.

Background HCR ranking

In 2023, Germany once again ranks fourth on the list of countries with the most cited scientists.  More on the key findings of the HCR data here:
Clarivate Names World's Influential Researchers with Highly Cited Researchers 2023 List

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