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Bundesforschungsinstitut für Kulturpflanzen


EU-horizon 2020 project EcoStack: Kick-off Meeting in Italy

EcoStack is a new 5-year research and innovation project of the European Union to promote sustainability of agricultural systems. The Julius Kühn Institute is one of the 24 project partnerns.

More info on EcoStack

EcoStack Press Release:

EcoStack (Stacking of ecosystem services: mechanisms and interactions for optimal crop protection, pollination enhancement, and productivity) is a 5-year Research and Innovation Action, under the EU Horizon 2020 programme, which has just started (September 2018), with a budget of 10 million EUR.

The overall goal of the project is to develop and support ecologically, economically and socially sustainable crop production via stacking of biodiversity service providers and bio-inspired tools. The consortium is coordinated by the University of Naples “Federico II” (Italy) and includes 24 partners with complementary expertise, covering all major pedoclimatic production zones and major agricultural production systems in Europe.

EcoStack will use transdisciplinary research methods and will promote active participation of multi-actor groups across Europe to create and transfer new knowledge and co-design new cropping systems. It will use stakeholder-guided development of new agricultural concepts for generating economic and ecological benefits for farmers, biodiversity and society.

The EcoStack Kick-off Meeting took place in Portici (Naples), Italy, on October 22-24, 2018. More than 50 participants met at the Royal Palace of Portici, where the Department of Agricultural Sciences - University of Naples “Federico II” is based, to discuss the development and delivery of the project. It was a highly successful start towards an exciting research experience.

Press release Kick-off Meeting in Portici, Italy, on October 22-24,2018 (Download)


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