Scientists-trio from Julius Kühn-Institute Quedlinburg and Halle University was recently recognized for developing a top performing model to predict transcription factor binding sites in the genome. The bioinformaticians had participated in an international crowdsourced competition called DREAM Challenge. A jury voted their contribution amongst the top two in the world out of 34 proposals. Jens Keilwagen (JKI), Jan Grau and Stefan Posch (both University of Halle) have been invited to present their method and findings at an important conference in Phoenix, Arizona. Also their work is scheduled to be published in Cell-Magazine. Only one other team from Russia was given the same opportunity. Both teams have time till January to refine their methods. There will not be a winner. Since it is a crowdsourced competition Bioinformatics as science and the scientific community will be the overall winner. Read more in the announcement below and find out more under