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Bundesforschungsinstitut für Kulturpflanzen


Institute for Plant Protection in Horticulture and Urban Green

Dr. Niklas Stukenberg

Institute for Plant Protection in Horticulture and Urban Green

Dr. Niklas  Stukenberg
Julius Kühn-Institut
Institute for Plant Protection in Horticulture and Urban Green
Messeweg 11/12
38104  Braunschweig


  • Horticultural entomology with focus on ornamental plants, ornamental trees and nursery
  • Development of alternative non-chemical technologies and methods for pest control
  • Visual ecology and behaviour of pests and beneficial insects
  • Efficacy evaluation of insecticides, acaricides and their active substances in horticulture within the framework of national and EU registration
  • Employees in the field of responsibility "Plant protection products and active substances in horticulture"

Scientific publication and communication networks