Dr. Andrea Braun-Kiewnick
Institute for Epidemiology and Pathogen Diagnostics

- Telephone: +49 3946 47-6254
- E-mail: andrea.braun-kiewnick@ julius-kuehn. de
Julius Kühn-Institut
Institute for Epidemiology and Pathogen Diagnostics
Messeweg 11/12
38104 Braunschweig
Julius Kühn-Institut
Institute for Epidemiology and Pathogen Diagnostics
Messeweg 11/12
38104 Braunschweig
- Research Associate in the group Bacteriology/Microbial Ecology (AG Babin)
- Plant Pathology, Microbiology, Plant-Microbe interactions
- BMBF funded research project „RhizoWheat“
- Rhizosphere processes and yield decline in wheat crop rotations
- Investigating the influence of pre-crop, location (soil parameters) and plant developmental stage on the microbial diversity of the wheat rhizosphere using DNA-based methods (Metabarcoding via Amplicon Sequencing)
- Molecular analysis of structure and composition of microbial communities in the wheat rhizosphere
- Culture- and DNA-based isolation, identification and quantification of fungal soil-borne pathogens involved in yield decline and root senescence and of potential antagonists (selective plating and real-time PCR)
- DNA-based characterization of rhizosphere isolates (bacteria) with antagonistic potential and/or plant health or plant growth promoting properties
- Member of the American Phytopathological Society (APS)
- Membership “Friends of the Institute of Plant Health e.V.” of the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms Unitversität in Bonn
Scientific publication and communication networks
- ResearchGate: Andrea_Braun-Kiewnick/research
- OpenAgrar: View publications