Katrin Ahrens
Institute for Application Techniques in Plant Protection

- Telephone: +49 3946 47 6750
- E-mail: katrin.ahrens@ julius-kuehn. de
Julius Kühn-Institut
Institute for Application Techniques in Plant Protection
Messeweg 11/12
38104 Braunschweig
Julius Kühn-Institut
Institute for Application Techniques in Plant Protection
Messeweg 11/12
38104 Braunschweig
- Statistical analysis of test results:
- processing, analysis and interpretation of empirical test data
- processing the results for scientific publication
Research projects
- Equipment classification for saving of plant protection products based on deposit and efficacy trials in orchards and viticulture
- Measurements of deposit with different sprayers with artificial leaf walls, validation of the deposit measurements in natural orchards and vineyards, efficacy trials in orchards and viticulture
- sprayer classification for saving of plant protection products based on deposit and efficacy trials
- Exposure to residents and bystanders following high crop applications of plant protection products (3D drift detection)
- exposure assessment of bystanders and residents caused by drift during application of plant protection products in orchards
- Generation of exposure data by using modern and drift reducing techniques
- Classification of the generated data for a general derivation of minimum distances by using plant protection products
Scientific publication and communication networks
- OpenAgrar: View publications