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Bundesforschungsinstitut für Kulturpflanzen


Institute for National and International Plant Health

M.Sc. Silke Krügener

Institute for National and International Plant Health

M.Sc. Silke  Krügener
Julius Kühn-Institut
Institute for National and International Plant Health
Messeweg 11/12
38104  Braunschweig


  • Preparation of Export-Dossiers for plants and plant products as a basis for pest risk analysis by importing countries, especially dossiers for vegetables and wood
  • Expert statements to inform and advice the BMEL for the evaluation of phytosanitary regulations and requirements of third countries
  • Advising the plant protection services on phytosanitary import regulations of third countries and on the implementation of international plant health standards when exporting plants and plant products to third countries

Scientific publication and communication networks