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Bundesforschungsinstitut für Kulturpflanzen


Institute for National and International Plant Health

Dr. Magdalene Pietsch

Institute for National and International Plant Health

Dr. Magdalene  Pietsch
Julius Kühn-Institut
Institute for National and International Plant Health
Messeweg 11/12
38104  Braunschweig


  • Development and evaluation of regulations and standards ensuring health and quality of plants for planting (Regulated non-quarantine pests in plant health and marketing legislation of the EU in respect of fruit and ornamental plants, certification schemes for fruit species)
  • Development and evaluation of phytosanitary regulations in respect of plant passport and registration including duties of operators and support to their harmonised application in Germany
  • Training of plant health inspectors in respect of inspections at import, export and internal movement
  • Analysis and investigation of phytosanitary risks of biowaste, sewage sludge, renewable raw materials, other organic fertilisers and municiple waste water for agricultural use and irrigation.


  • Standing Committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed section Propagating Material of Ornamental Plants of the European Commission and subordinated expert working groups
  • Standing Committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed section Propagating Material and Plants of Fruit Genera and Species of the European Commission and subordinated expert working groups
  • National Working Committee on mother plantings and certification of fruit plants of the JKI
  • Member of the expert committee of the Association for quality assurance of agricultural waste utilisation responsible for phytosanitary safety (QLA)
  • Member of the Ad-hoc Panel on Phytosanitary Risks of Organic Waste of the European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organisation (EPPO)
  • Member of the German Phytomedical Society (DPG)

Scientific publication and communication networks