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Bundesforschungsinstitut für Kulturpflanzen


[Translate to Englisch:] Eine Landschaft mit kleinen gelben (Raps) und grunen (junges getreide) streifenförmigen Parzelle nebeneinander. Vereinzelte Gebäude und Horizont sind im Hintergrund zu sehen.n
Institute for Plant Protection in Field Crops and Grassland

Dr. Nazanin Zamani-Noor

Wissenschaftliche Oberrätin / Institute for Plant Protection in Field Crops and Grassland

Dr. Nazanin  Zamani-Noor
Julius Kühn-Institut
Institute for Plant Protection in Field Crops and Grassland
Messeweg 11/12
38104  Braunschweig


  • Development of novel tools and strategies for the integrated sustainable control of fungal pathogens in oilseed rape cultivations
  • Characterization of German Plasmodiophora brassicae-populations and possible strategies to suppress the clubroot disease in oilseed rape fields
  • Studies on the occurrence of fungicide resistance in oilseed rape cultivations through monitoring programs
  • Evaluation of fungicide resistance management strategies
  • Screening for disease resistance in oilseed rape cultivars / lines against fungal diseases during the official examination for German federal office of plant varieties (BSA)
  • Efficacy evaluation of fungicides and plant growth regulators in the context of the authorisation of plant protection products


  • Member of EPPO Panel on Efficacy Evaluation of Fungicides and Insecticides
  • German Scientific Society for Plant Protection and Plant Health (DPG)
  • German Agricultural Society (DLG)
  • Guest Editor of special issue (Plasmodiophora brassicae) for journal ‘Pathogens’
  • Ad-hoc Reviewer for various scientific journals
    • Applied Agricultural and Forestry Research
    • Canadian Journal of Plant Science
    • Crop Protection
    • European Journal of Plant Pathology
    • Pathogens
    • Plant Disease
    • Plant Pathology
    • Scientia Agriculturae Bohemica

Scientific publication and communication networks